.: 2024 – day 9 :.

Day 9 of 366. Took my son to his Japanese school today and got him registered. His first day is Thursday. I don’t know how he is going to get on as it’s quite a traditional school and he doesn’t speak much Japanese yet. Could be a tough first few months.

In other news the new house is nearly ready to move into. The Internet gets connected on Thursday. My bed arrives on Friday and the curtains on the weekend.

A new start is coming.

.: 2024 – The end of Singapore :.

Day 3/366. Not a bad day. The two months’ deposit for our apartment in Singapore was – with minor agreed deductions – returned. Helpful. A friend who was holding my last few items in Singapore has found a buyer for most of them.

We picked up a vaccum cleaner, a microwave, a rice cooker and a washlet.

Additionally, after a painful hour on the phone we ‘may’ have an Internet connection in two weeks’ time. 300 meg rather than 1 gig fibre – due to the age of the property – but wired and open. This means I can use my own DNS and set up proper firewall rules.

So ‘getting there.’ Next will be my ‘spousal visa,’ a local bank account and then some form of employment.